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Messages posted by: Ken Norton
Forum Index » Profile for Ken Norton » Messages posted by Ken Norton
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I purchased a wireless adapter and I'm linking to public networks. So I can fight. No guarantee on connection performance. Sometimes it lags. Sometimes I get cut off. But I'll fight any gym or clan all by myself: Kobe, Floobie, Michael Vick, Ron Artest, Cyndy Brady. So what you want fools?
Donny_king wrote:Yes where the hell is Toosmooth ?

He was my rival when I first started, I think I have fought him more times than I have Cynic and that is a lot of times !!

The streets is watchin! No, seriously I'm around. I just can't play right now. I'm restricted to the library computers and a friend's computer. I can't download on either. So until I can afford to restore my service, I will just appear from time to time on the messageboard. Tell MAB, LAB, SAL and everybody else I said _ _ to _ _ _ _!!!!

By the way Donnie Brasco we had a lot of wars. You just became to _ _ _ for me to defeat.
Yeah, man! I don't even recognize these cats' names I see on the messageboard. But I will come back when I get some dough and can get my internet service restored. I miss the old crew: NG, MT, US, MG, KG, LH, GF, and all the rest. NG, you should clean house and run all of these newjacks out of here using a combination of boxing skills and biting wit. But don't touch Yacoob -he's mine. I like Yacoob. He adds color to the game. He's funny when he loses and quits. But he always comes back for more - talk about a glutton for punishment!
You have to be the funniest man on OB. That was very funny (almost as funny as when I used to KO you and you would leave). You and Serious Booty are the funniest losers.
How's all my favorite boneheaded pugilists? You know Yafool, Serious Booty, New (Name Every Day) Guy, MonkeyT, Larry (Champ at your own game Mikkel), Bricklayer(pretend to be a little girl)/Mogray/Miguel Cotto, Kick(Absolutely)NoAss, and the rest of your lot. I don't have access to the internet at this time but look for me in the future. Holla!
Thank you. But I will continue to support OB when I get back on my feet. Right now I'm out of work.
Forum Index » Profile for Ken Norton » Messages posted by Ken Norton
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