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Messages posted by: oneshot
Forum Index » Profile for oneshot » Messages posted by oneshot
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ill be on
Machine Gun Kelly wrote:i agree with you fierce its time people on OB lead the way to a resurgence of OB hopefully make it more populated than it ever has been thus far. I've been talking to some people online and a good way to start things off with out singeplayer, and big variety of different skilled players all the time would be hard but thinking back to basics why not gyms. It seemed like back in the day the gyms got people to stay around OB. It also helped train newer fighters, uprising stars, and set up tournaments which made the whole thing better and more fun. I think OB Has lost its community if it keeps going the way it is with retirements and what not it will turn into a ghost town

pretty sure thats what i just said
I really enjoy this game as we all do. When I come here its to lose myself for a bit and not think about all the ignorance we are all surrounded by. That name is offensive and is more than likely costing us players when they come to the site and see nigger sitting on the top 20 list
i'd like to give a shout out to fierce for taking time to give me tips today as welll as giving me a couple spars and coutless beatings. it goes a long way to do this for guys like me who have been away 8 years or for new people in the game. I ve seen countless new guys come and go over the last few weeks who get a serious beating and are no longer interested. we can't keep em all...but some would likely stay if given a little help along the way.

I'd like to add to the idea of bringing folks in by saying that just dropping the link on boxing videos on youtube is a easy thing for us to do. next time your on youtube throw a link in. ONe last note, i'd like to again throw the idea out of us making a forum for stables of boxers. ie i would fall into fierces camp for the help he showed me. we could divide the top vets and start camps and have tourneys that way. just a thought.

Mikkel wrote:Comeone, you will make a billion billion.

mikkel this game is still popular with those who know about it because its damn near perfect just the way it is. i love how every punch has a counter and there is a defense for every punch. before we start talking making money how bout we work on getting more players. also regaurdless of the bots ...1player with suspect bots is better than none at all. all new players have to look forward to is a quick ass whipn. a whole bunch of em. i cant imagine how many players might have stayed if they could learn how to fight before getting thrown into the ocean with huge sharks.
I know I am not alone when I say that often when I want to play no one is on. A few years back there was a one player mode where you could fight your way up 20 or so ranks and win the title. It was a valuable tool to work on your skills. For new players it also gives them a chance to get their feet wet without having to take 130 losses before they get a win.
Forum Index » Profile for oneshot » Messages posted by oneshot
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