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Messages posted by: Labratory
Forum Index » Profile for Labratory » Messages posted by Labratory
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go back to the old yacoob he is funny.

this one is boring.

boooo i want a show

go back to the old yacoob.. atleast he was funny..

now your just trying to hard
Fatny wrote:a bumb is something you say when you're an idiot that enjoy shitting on everyone's head like labratory, like you try to write dumb, but you write bumb and you never notice it

proving you're an idiot while trying to make another look like one

bumb is canadian spelling of bum

Larry Holmes wrote:There wasnt a HTF to spoil your prime back then. Without HTF Unstop would have been totally dominant when he was in shape.
MAB, SAL ,Street and me etc would've been consumed like YACOOB flakes.
Plus the game is much more varied right now, supports more styles..theres stamina, wigling, crawling and's unknown if you could make it to HOF now LabRat.
I remember how you capitalized on the totally onesided 7-9, 7-9 - fast flurry- back to 7-9 UG style back then. I've seen how uve been totally pwned on your comeback, a TRUE HOF'er would make a comeback on any game and still make a decent showing.
Unless you make an inpact now you can't say s***t. Don't act like a relaxed, leaned back pensionist HOF whos enjoying his retirement with a cigar and a scotch, going on and on about how todays kids can't fight.
You were awsome in your time but in this universe you need to prove yourself every day or you aint NADA.

lol dude if i couldnt make hof now how could you? i spanked u around when i felt like... ++ the frame of mind is completly diffrent when your fighting to prove somthing or become somthin then no shityour gona try harder...

ive came back and played casually many times and have beaten whoever was top as much or slightly less then they beat me soo..

as far as enjoying my retirement... damn rights i am.. i would consider myself the arnold palmer of OB ... out there for shits and giggles

anyways im on bball trip soo peace out
u sux
ur a bumb

quit life now.
Larry Holmes wrote:Happy Birthday T..

BTW Lab..once you were the one with a small clan of youve been reduced to Yacoobs cheerleader or Yacoobs hunchbacked servant (Yes I did say that) .. But I guess that's just the immense power of Yacoob.

YES, Yacoob's Jedi mind powers have reduced me to a pathetic follower...

I know great leadership when i see it... Hitler did it, stalin.. now yacoob will do it...

all hail yacoob.

let the clensing begin
cmon unstop... since when do you not fight back.

i dont see anyone backin u up either... i guess the truth hurts



ROFL that was fucking funny

Unstoppable wrote:
Labratory wrote:
Unstoppable wrote:i choose HTF...
LAB by the way i will start a 100+ streak jus to show my dominance wen i wanna dominate ok and wen i get 99 i want u to logg on and fight me for the 100th

to show your dominance vs all the good fighters there are now?

dude my streak had 10+ wins on every HOF there is to date i dont care if u put up 100 it wont be vs anything near the calabre that i did 200 on...

sorry but your prime was not very impressive... as a casual player, i could still box you and beat u nearly as much as you beat me..

mine on the other hand... well most ppl never won a round let alone a fight...

In reguard to what tyrant said: i agree HTF has more tools then i did at the time.. however the game is significantly diffrent... more punches more defensive manouvers.. etc.. nothing i can really do about that

if were trying to compare ppl lets not go there b/c everyone thinks they are the hottest shit to walk the earth...

just look at unstop.

p.s. p4p the best fighter i have ever faught, hands down vargas.. my prime was the same as his and we had absolute wars.. i remember going 2 rounds in a row without landing a punch (tell me thats not impressive)... easily the most underrated figher ever... and HOF'er in my books.

tyrant or anyone else remember him?

i dont think im the hottest shit but i am sayin this i could have beat u in all the fights since ur return but i play this game for fun not seriousness...I KNO that HTF and Larry are better than me others i have doubts thats all im sayin i just dont like the way u disrespected me in a previous post wen i said i KOed u and u froze the fight(purposely) so u wouldnt even have a 200 streak or whatever ur FAKE

are you retarded or can you not read??? your the one who first stated that u had no respect for me... so you had all this coming...

youran over rated fighter who has never really dominated... imo you have always been in HTF's shadow and never gotten out of it.. Its like you got a gold medal for being second place... how your in the HOF for that... well is beyond me..

The idea of you not trying any more because you play for "fun" is stupid. your acting like you have nothing left to prove...

how about you do somthing first.

Unstoppable wrote:i choose HTF...
LAB by the way i will start a 100+ streak jus to show my dominance wen i wanna dominate ok and wen i get 99 i want u to logg on and fight me for the 100th

to show your dominance vs all the good fighters there are now?

dude my streak had 10+ wins on every HOF there is to date i dont care if u put up 100 it wont be vs anything near the calabre that i did 200 on...

sorry but your prime was not very impressive... as a casual player, i could still box you and beat u nearly as much as you beat me..

mine on the other hand... well most ppl never won a round let alone a fight...

In reguard to what tyrant said: i agree HTF has more tools then i did at the time.. however the game is significantly diffrent... more punches more defensive manouvers.. etc.. nothing i can really do about that

if were trying to compare ppl lets not go there b/c everyone thinks they are the hottest shit to walk the earth...

just look at unstop.

p.s. p4p the best fighter i have ever faught, hands down vargas.. my prime was the same as his and we had absolute wars.. i remember going 2 rounds in a row without landing a punch (tell me thats not impressive)... easily the most underrated figher ever... and HOF'er in my books.

tyrant or anyone else remember him?
sure your Ok too.. haha
LOL cause i knew how to freeze fights???

freak accident...

honestly i dont care

put a streak over 100 and i'd be impressed... even tho the competition at the time was way better then it is now

sal-larry-mike-hogan-barrera-vargas(should be HOF)

and if u still dont respect me for somthing that stupid then u can shuv ur fist up ur ass u cock loving homo.

if thats not the case then have a good night love lab..

no it was over 200 like 202 or somthing but its debatable because i got drop hacked (the fight didnt start and i lost some how..?? it was a bug back then) and lost a fight, then mikkel gave me my streak back

and as for the defenses... i dont know

its a shame we didnt have stats back then because it would be interesting to compare :p

anyways cya later


my 200 streak was with the title

but there was no records kept track back then

so gl
Forum Index » Profile for Labratory » Messages posted by Labratory
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