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Messages posted by: rankings
Forum Index » Profile for rankings » Messages posted by rankings
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redneck how can you say reaper used to beat you when you were a noob? you were around long before him. your just a chump and everyone knows it. you never defend against anyone decent and when you do you lose..

why dont you just keep fighting yourself for defences? you might have better success
you guys have horrid top 10 lists, especially redneck
htf banned polski a ways back.
black bear: yes

nigel benn: yes

Vargas: yes, but he needs to cut out the alts

viper: no

Reaper: no

Rocky marciano: no
he has a solid record, a decent amount of titles and a decent amount of defences BUT... he has never dominated. He is far too inconsitent and he is never the top dog playing. The hof is the best. imo vargas, benn and black bear would have to be in before viper
wishfull thinking skillz. I can remember when you played and you were decent at best. Guys like captain america, goldenboy, and dion have accomplished as much if not more then you ever did and will probably beat you even at your best
we will try and do this a different way and include peoples votes. I will post a final copy later. So what is your top 10 as of now

fighting yourself will get you banned. I watched these fights four or five times and you are clearly running to windows of onlineboxing at the same time and alt tabbing. neither guy is ever punching at the same time. I know you can alt tab while your little boxer is moving forward and he will continue moving forward into you. that is why you kept throwing big punchs and missing and he was not doing anything other then walking forward into you.
Halfway through this month i must say the rankings have not changed. I will only do a top 5. everyone seems to think they are top 10 material. These rankings explain themselves.

1. Sal
2. HTF
3.goldenboy69/red viper viper/goldenboy69
5. rocky/goodfight

top 5 for this month because the fights have been few and far between. HTF made a comeback losing his title to goldenboy69 and winning the rm. Here to Fight is looking fast and furious in his comeback to prove he still has it. Salvador sanchez is still the top fighter on the game followed by the slick, skilled vet Here to Fight. Once Here to Fight shakes the rust I believe the first spots will be a battle. 3rd place I would give to goldenboy69. He beat red viper and has won against dirk, edder, paul dion Junior, John. Captain America, black power and mikkel kessler. He has won 4 titles in the last month. 4th place goes to red viper. The heavy punching phenom is seemingly starting to lose to lesser competition. He can still crack and egg with his stare and will continue to ko oppenents if they become sloppy.
5th spot is Rocky. He will not commit to a boxer and has his off days. He is a skilled boxer with an awesome style. Future HOF if he gets his skills togethor.

these are legit rankings. if you dispute it is out of jealousy
I am back for the 3rd month doing the unbiased power rankings. if you feel you should be on here messege me and I will check out some of your fights and decide.

1. Salvador sanchez/barrack Obama. Salvador is back to the top. After a long retirement he quickly shook the rust off and now holds every major title in the game. Combining vet smarts with exceptional speed and a never say die attitude sal is the man to beat.

2. Red Viper This will not come as a shock to many. Red viper has always been a force to reckon with and has really stepped up since alot of the other vets have retired. the best slugger there is. If you stand in front of him you will fall down. He is one sided but it doesnt really matter.

3. Chopper81 Chopper has always been a solid fighter. very talented and composed when he fights. He is really starting to step up his boxing game and has broken into the top 5. If he was more active he would probably hold at least one title.

4. Goldenboy69 Goldenboy has always been a thorn in your side, capable of a knockout at a moments notice. He has learned to pace himself better and has beaten the likes of salvador, dirk diggler, and unstoppable in title fights. combining boxing and slugging skills along with good handspeed. He continues to improve daily.

5. Dirk Diggler The king of the high ping players. Dirk Diggler has a horrible connection but a steller record. He has serious skills and I believe he would be even better full speed. Dirk racks up some nice win streaks and continues to be the most contriversial player

6. Captain America Captain America is starting to show his full potential. He is a good well rounded fighter that wins when he should and loses when he should. He is still young in his online boxing career and has the potential to be great

7. Boxa Boxa would be ranked alot higher if he was more active. He is an exceptional boxer with some very slick combos. If he plays more he will be in the top 3 or 4 players. Boxa has the talent to be one of the best.

8. Jigsaw Jigsaw has been around for a while now and has always been a very good fighter. He can beat alot of players and has tough fights when most everyone on this list. the sky is the limit for this young boxer.

9. Redneck Redneck is a good player. He has a boring style that take a long time to crack. Alot of the hype around him is true. He has the skills to do allright but his attitude puts him low on this list. He pads, ducks and makes excuses when fighting most of the guys on this list and until then he will not improve.

10. Paul Dion Paul Dion is back after a long retirement and slowly working his way back up the ladder. I do not know a whole lot about him but I saw a few of his fights when he beat edder1234 and he has some serious potential.

see you in november
These rankings have not been done in a while and it gives people somthing to work towards for the future. here are the top 10 active fighters at the moment and the next 5 who are close but didnt make it. I have talked them all over with 2 different people who both had these people in the top 10 so this is not my own biased opinion. Here is each fighter along with a brief reason of my belief for them to be on this list.

The king of onlineboxing is sharp as ever and is content only holding 1 title. The most dominant fighter of any era is still here with a vengenence.

#2Black Bear Blackbear is looking the best he ever has and is tearing apart everyone and having great fights with the top 5. a patient, technical fighter that can have you double red before you even notice

#3Red Viper his punches are like a snake in the grass that you can hear rattling. you know its coming but you cant react fast enough to stop them. He packs serious damage in both fists and is working hard to make the HOF. A superb pressure fighter and slugger with an incredible record.

#4Rocky aka The Contender the 2nd best technical boxer in this game. he is patient with his fighting and flawless with his approach. he can also slug very well and his name says it all. he truly is a contender for any title he decides to fight for.

#5Nigel Benn Nigel would be ranked higher if he was fighting more and more. He is one of the best sluggers this game has ever seen and has a very tough style to crack. back on full form he has a good chance of holding 3/4 of the titles and could beat anyone but Fatny.

#6Dirk Diggler/boonedickie nobody knows how good this guy actually could be. He has a good record and beats alot of top guys. He also has some of the worst lag the game has ever seen. Its a whole different ballgame fighting at fullspeed compared to fighting him. He would be ranked higher if he didnt lag all the time. ALot of the top fighters will not fight him because of this lag but most that do pay for it by getting kayoed.

#7Chopper81 Chopper81 has become a very dangerous agressive fighter with a solid record. he can beat most of the top guys and even if he was rusty he would break the top 10. he can soundly beat anyone other than the top 5 and recently won a few titles.

#8X-treme Skillz lightning fast hands combined with deadly combos and a solid defence make xtreme a top fighter against anyone. Although he is not one of the most popular players he is a whirlwind when he needs to be and can beat anyone down in the blink of an eye.

#9Goldenboy69 Golden is improving leaps and bounds and beating some of the tougher guys. He has a solid defence combined with the ability to switch from boxing to slugging depending on the opponent. holds the best ko % in the game and recently edged out chopper81 in the tourney

#10Jigsaw A very good fighter since the day he started. He is ranked #10 here but has the potential to become a force for anyone to fight. he posseses a strong bully style and good counterpunching skills along with a very good defence. he adapts well to the pace of fights and I look to see more good things from him.

Keep an eye out for these fighters

Redneck He has a some lag and an annoying style but he beats people with it. until he stops protecting points and fighting on all his alts he will not make the top 10.

Captain America a fairly new fighter who has amassed alot of skill in a short period of time. If he keeps it up he will crack the top 10 fairly soon

Profsback Profs is a good technical fighter with a bad attitude. He has the skill to beat the top guys but instead of fighting usually prefers to start verbal altercations instead.

Unstoppable Him and his dynamite hands are back. Although he hasnt shaken the rust yet its only a matter of weeks before he is back at the top of this game.

Catfish He has been MIA the last few weeks and would have easily made the top 10. the 8th spot would probably belong to him. When he returns from his break he will break into the top 10.
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