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Messages posted by: Good Fight
Forum Index » Profile for Good Fight » Messages posted by Good Fight
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I kept jabbing points even when you had me hurt bad that is why.
Because that match was not a title fight. You did not have points for title match.

I six times in a row and finally logged off when my own lag started to get too much for me to handle (my connection started to lag).
Who me?

if so answer is no, I am so not Chuck Liddell.
Both matches against you have been fun so please get enough points for title shot in OBC and I'll give you one. You need to try to unify anyway.


Good Fight
No one "cares about whats more dangerous" it just came up.
I didnt say it was more badass did i ?, just more dangerous in terms of long term damage. Show me a mma fighter who can take a hard kick to the ribs, why would they be better at it than boxers ?. U cant train that, unless you have find a way to harden your ribcage. Maybe you have session where you kick each others ribs for hours ? I sense that u think that mma fighters are more "tough" than boxers, why is that ? Everyone practicing at a high level, football players, marathon runners etc, are tough. I dont see why mma fighters suddenly are the toughest.

And why would fighters "die" if a count was introduced in mma ?

I do have to agree with Mikkel. Boxing is more dangerous. Reason being that getting punched in to the head is really not good for you at all. There was this doctoral study about punches and their effects, I real a while ago. To make the story short boxing is not healthy at all. Even a single good normal punch to the head does cause changes in ones brain leading quite fast to changes in short term memory (to the bad). The changes are permanent. There is no healing or going back.

In boxing one receives far more punches to the head. After all to punch opponent to the head is the main objective. Also boxing gloves are much softer meaning that one can take (receive) far more punches versus some guy punching you with mma gloves. It has been also argued that one can punch way harder with boxing gloves as those gloves not only protect the hand better but hand wraps can be wrapped much tighter (increased protection) where as in MMA you have to actually be able to open your hand instead just making fist. It is not actually that rare for fighters in MMA to fracture their hands as a result of punching their opponent. Back in the days of UFC 1-5 when there were no gloves it was more like a rule that one would fracture his own hand if he were to punch his opponent hard with fist. Lot of guys lost matches just because they were unable to continue after landing a good one straight to opponents head.

I am afraid that boxing is more dangerous and that is not a good thing. Regarding toughness I don't think it can be said to either way. In my honest opinion toughness is up to the individual regardless of what sport he does.
"sterlihalla wrote:

it was just me and rocky going out of hand with our disagreement if it was up to me i would of took another loss or win like a man but he wanted to bring it to the forums sorry mikkel."

"Ray Johnson wrote: He wanted to bring it to the forum? That's why you posted it? Forget it lol, you're a dumbass you wouldn't understand.."

No I Good Fight did not want to bring anything to the forums. I told Reaper to stop whining, not to make excuses for losing and NOT to go and make any stupid threads or post on the forums. I also told him that if he makes any stupid threads or post about me beating him fair and square I would copy paste all the crap he filled the chat with as a reply. I did exactly that.

There you have it. Now please lets let this thread die so moderators please either lock or delete this useless thread.
Very nice. I wish you good luck. Not that you need it as I am sure you are very skilled in real life too.
Reaper this is just a game. Chill. Do not take it so seriosly.

Yes I cut out a lot like you write because like Chrille said the conversation was crazy and you really lost it big time typing all kind of nasty things, things that I wont copy here to this forums. I mean come one... Besides that the whole conversation was REALLY long. Even after I stopped to concentrate on more important matters like work you just continued and kept going... to no end.

In any case you have yourself done every single thing you accuse of others. I have personally seen you run with title few times so go figure.

Anyway I am done with this thread and whole thing. I got more important things to pay attention to like work for example. Next time dont be so fast to insult people and write them off.
ps. due to "popular" demand and comedy value here is the unedited chatlog (really why did you have to go cut and paste selected pieces and then edit them Reaper? Better to just post the whole deal for humor value).

* Welcome to Online Boxing !
* counterhook went online
* Good Fight went online
* Reaper went online
* Challenge sent to Reaper..
Good Fight> Hi
Reaper> goodfight
Reaper> ask KO U where his title is
Good Fight> Why and Why dont you accept my challenge?
Reaper> lmao
Reaper> you stupid delusional fuck
Good Fight> wtf?
Reaper> i took KO U title
Good Fight> what does that have to do with me
Reaper> and defended my own
Reaper> rocky your delusional as fuck
Good Fight> so you took his title and... so? you feel like calling me names for no reason again.
Reaper> why would i be ducking him when i whooped him twice?
Good Fight> yeah sure call me Rocky if you want to
Reaper> you talk shit rocky
Reaper> even fatny knows who you are
Good Fight> oh I am sure Fatny is the first person who called me Rocky.
Good Fight> so?
* Fight canceled
Reaper> now i got 2 belts at the same time bitch
Good Fight> How does that make me a bitch? Besides you have been ducking me and you keep ducking me.
Reaper> once again
Reaper> why would i duck you rocky?
Reaper> i didnt duck kO U so why would i duck you?
Good Fight> well keep on ducking some rocky if you wish
Good Fight> I dont care about that
Good Fight> your ducking me, you have been ducking me (ok you boxed me on your alt)
Good Fight> and that is all I care and you are doing it right now by not accepting
Reaper> u was licking his ass
Reaper> thinkin i was afraid of him
Good Fight> who
Reaper> so we fought in my room first then i whooped K U
Good Fight> what are you talking about
Reaper> KO U
Good Fight> what about KO U
Reaper> ur boyfriend of course
Reaper> you was licking his ass
Reaper> thinkin i was afraid of him
Good Fight> care to please stop making stuff up and stop acting like an ass
Reaper> i got his title now u stupid fuck
Good Fight> KO U beat you and took your title
Reaper> so its the truth
Reaper> i got his title
Reaper> and obc
Reaper> look it up
Good Fight> I suppose you managed to win against him too so what is teh big deal
Reaper> he got whooped
Good Fight> he beat you, you beat him *shrugs* so what is the big deal?
Reaper> i beat him twice when i was suppose to be afraid of him
Reaper> rocky do i look afraid?
Good Fight> are you his fan or something
Reaper> i beat him twice
Reaper> 2 - 1 bitch
Good Fight> you keep talking about KO U. You must admire him a lot
Reaper> your his boyfriend
Good Fight> to talk so much about him
Good Fight> are you his fan or something
Reaper> rocky who else on ob says dork?
Good Fight> President of fan club of KO U?
Reaper> your as delusional as your name
Reaper> you could never be rocky marciano
Reaper> i have even been mentioned as a possible future hofer
Reaper> I am hof material.
Good Fight> sure but I am not Rocky
Reaper> im going on big things rocky
Reaper> u are rocky
Good Fight> That is nice but maybe you have not read what HTF wrote.
Good Fight> He does not seem to think you are HOF material.
Reaper> yeh i replyed to it rocky
Reaper> htf doesnt like me
Reaper> no secreat in that
Good Fight> anyway keep ducking me
Good Fight>
Reaper> seacret*
Reaper> lmao
Reaper> goodfight
Reaper> aka rocky
Reaper> if i whoop you dont log off
Reaper> because i want to laugh at you haha
Good Fight> why dont you make up your mind on who I am instead of changing your mind daily and why dot you accept my challenge?
Reaper> lets fight then
Reaper> because im a true champ
Good Fight> a day or two ago you called me tyrant
* Challenge from Reaper
Good Fight> or maybe it was Red Viper.
* Challenge accepted
* Reaper is starting a fight !
* Good Fight is starting a fight !
Reaper> rocky you could never beat me much anyway. you are total shit
Good Fight> huh
Reaper> R.I.P dont log of after so soon u girl haha
Good Fight> you dork I am going to teach you a lesson
* Chrille went online
* Chrille went online
* Say hello to the new champ.. Good Fight !
* Chrille went online
* Good Fight went online
* Reaper went online
Good Fight> What was that again you said? You talked so much bs and insulted me for no reason. Seems like you are the one who is SHIT.

OK at that point Reaper whined, made tons of excuses for losing and so on. I cut it off as it went on for LONG time and the log is HUGE full of Reaper whining, making excuses for losing calling me names etc.

Good Fight> You spammed like a fool loosing your stamina and then realised you are about to be done. Too bad for you that making recovery rounds was not enough. You got KOed just like Red Viper usually Ko's you. It has nothing to do with luck or anything. Dont make excuses and act like sore loser.
Good Fight> Now for all the shit and BS you talked before accepting a match you can FUCK OFF
Challenge from Chrille
* Challenge accepted
* Good Fight is starting a fight !
* Chrille is starting a fight !
Good Fight> gl
Reaper> fact is you cant rematch so you proven to be a bad loser
Reaper> and a paper champ
Reaper> hope chrille beats rocky just to embarrass him
* Say hello to the new champ.. Good Fight !
* Reaper went online
* Good Fight went online
* Fight canceled
* Chrille went online

All the while we boxed Reaper filled the ingame chat with all kind of BS playing down Chrille and his skills whenever Chrille was losing and even when he had his moments Reaper still chose to insult him for no reason.

Good Fight> gf
Reaper> lmao
Chrille> gf man
Reaper> gf chrille it took him ages to take u out
Good Fight> what kind of trash are you talking about Chrille now Reaper
Chrille> ;P
Reaper> what did i say about chrille?
Good Fight> Chrille is a good fighter and there is no reason for you to trash him
Reaper> rocky wtf?
Chrille> it was kinda funny though
Reaper> LMAO
Good Fight> after all he gave me better match than what you were capable of
Chrille> i didnt think it would last that long
Reaper> yeh me too chrille
Reaper> now this guy is talking shit lol
Good Fight> Chrille you were actually tougher opponent than Reaper for real
Reaper> rocky your so pathetic
Chrille> yea but my offense suck
Good Fight> Well I'll give you a RM the day you learn to to BEHAVE and respect others Reaper
Reaper> behave? talk about urself
Reaper> you trashed me to you fool
Reaper> its a fucking game get over it
Reaper> little baby
Reaper> WAH! WAH!
Good Fight> No I came back to this game and did not even talk to you when you started to call me names
Good Fight> This is a good lesson to you

Time to cut stuff again as Reaper went ballistic again and some of the stuff he said is definately rated-R.

Reaper> I have best belt OBW belt.
Good Fight> oh and now all of sudden obw belt is the "best2 belt
Good Fight> lmao
Reaper> ask anyone obw is the best belt because it was the first
Reaper> there use to be only 1 belt
Reaper> thought you knew that rocky you stupid fuck
Good Fight> please do tell me how a title in OB2D is "better" than any other title each room being carbon copy
Reaper> obw has been around longer so its had more champs
Reaper> thats all im saying
Good Fight> sure well good for you
Reaper> its recognised more then any

Anyway there is lot more as this Reaper guy went on and on.

So your HOF material Reaper, pretty much best boxer on OB right after Fatny and close to beating Fatny, you have the BEST and most valuable belt in OB2D (OBW belt), everyone else is shit etc. Did I forget anything else you said Reaper?


that is all
Now where to begin. First of all I'll repeat what I told you Reaper:

Since you were not only extremely disrespectful without any reason whatsoever but also took trash talking to a level that was not needed to you do not deserve a title shot. I do not wish to rewards such appalling behavior by giving you opportunity to win a title. This is a lesson you do need.

Treat others like you want others to treat you Reaper. Had you not talked completely unnecessary BS, trash and had you not behaved in totally disrespectful manner you would have got a title shot. Next time respect others, behave and just have fun.

In the end you have been ducking me for quite some time. You even made an alt to box me when you did not want to do it on your main. You acted way cocky and you got KTFO. Please do not be a sore loser now.

I hope you enjoyed the comedy of it all Chrille. Reaper really went ballistic losing his mind
If you are ranked in top 20 in OBC just log on for a title shot.
You need to defend your belt at least once or Mikkles script will strip you automatically. You have about 2 hours time.

Just giving you friendly warning just in case you don't know this.
Congratulations for winning the title Mr. Red Viper. The way you first weakened your opponent and then set the right distance for KO shot up, is very impressive and requires high level of skill.
In the mean time here is rather good match between two established boxers:

It is a good example how a tiniest mistake can mean a whole world when two good boxers clash.

Round 9 score: 85 - 85
Round 10 score: 95-94

2 rounds left with both having reasonable stamina. Most enjoyable match I have had so far.

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