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Messages posted by: Earnie_Shavers
Forum Index » Profile for Earnie_Shavers » Messages posted by Earnie_Shavers
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Redneck wrote:fucking server still not work proper. It just freezed my fight again. Opponent was Judah. I am sick and tired of this shit.
I respect you and your work mikkel. But i cant understand why you dont comment this server-issue nor why you dont fix it.


Red Viper wrote:

Yeah I know this is bullshit, the bullshit freezes fucked me over many times and I am sick and tired losing fights because of it. Mikkel fix this problem right now please..

It's these kind of comments that would make me not respond if I was Mikkel...

No to both of them


They don't spend 90% of their freetime on OB like most of the top fighters.
I'd have more titles if people actually gave me a shot. I'm always in the top 20, and I've had like 5 shots at the title the whole time i've been on. And I won 2 of them.
M. A R A G O N wrote:
is that a good thing? i mean winning 15 in 1 division( if its one division cuz ive seen ricky hatton have the other 4) doesnt that also mean you have lost it 14 times?

people need to stop judging if your good or not by how many titles you own but how many title defences.

This is a very very very VERY good post. 5 stars for you.
African Assassin wrote:
Paul Dion wrote:
African Assassin wrote:The Assassin had done it he had won the trilogy and the respect of the pundits.

Very nice post AA...nice win too... but this is very biased!!!
It was in fact Kessler who won the trilogy 2-1. But you did win this one by stunning knock out so well done!

Like I promised...the winner of this fight will get a PDP title shot in PDP 12. So African Assassin will fight either Red Viper or Captain America for the title in the next PDP event!!! Mikkel Kessler will fight the loser of Red Viper/Captain America fight!!!

Both of these fights will be very nice indeed!

Your rght it is officially 2-1, but you knew what the circumstances were. The first two fights were pretty contreversal since while Kessler got the wins in both, but both fights froze so we never saw what would have happened had the fights not froe, and that was the point of us fighting a third fight rightfully titled "No Excuses". Im known to pick up the pace after the second half of the fight, and I never had the opportunity to display my skills in those fighs beause they froze while I was doing my best work. All in all it is 2-1 but this is the only fight with an official ending, an emphatic KO win tht ended it wthout a freeze. Anyways i see what your saying but keep that in mind. BTW great fight Kessler you're a warrior and for the first time you were really outboing me and your defence has iproved by a lot I actually found it very hard to hit you cleanly, but once again when you felt comfortable you let your guard down and left yourself open to getting countred. And yes I still feel like we have unfinished business!

I had in my mind by the 8th round that I couldn't lose. I was already thinkin about my winners post on the PDP forum. I got the biggest shock of my life when you threw the hooks lol. I just sat there like... aww shit.

Don't retire AA, we need to fight again sometime. Keep fightin.
johnbludger wrote:
CaptainAmerica wrote:damnjohn why are you so full of yourself you need to come back to earth (what am i elite) damn calm all that down damn you are to full of yourself

Are you related to Pac-Man?

damn you said damn 3 times damn, damn, tyrant like oatmeal cookies, damn,damn.

Your sentence did not make any sense what so ever. Are you related to Pac-man????

Do i look like a small yellow ball trying to escape from 5 different color blobs?

I think he means Manny Pacquiao not the game lol
Good post AA. We should meet again sometime!!

I really am gutted, I thought I was cruising to points victory. I was never expecting a hook from you, it totally shocked me.


Theres the link. Watch it, its a shocking end lol
We did it. Fuck man... lol I got cought bigtime

I thought I was gonna win on points n then BANG!! he got me.

Congratz AA, nice KO.

We need to meet again, we both feel it's unfinished. Maybe sometime soon
African Assassin wrote:I will be fighting Kessler, and I am back at my apartment now. I only went home during the holidays, but now i'm ready to beat your ass. It's do or die time for the Assassin!

Alright cool, I'm online now.
I am Ricky Hatton, Paul, you're an imposter!! lol
I'm Ricky Hatton btw
I don't think this fights gonna happen people...

AA hasn't fought since 30/12/07 and he is now on a wireless connection which the rest of his family use at the same time.

Whats gonna happen?
Ray Johnson wrote:
Skillz wrote:Actually...I have the most Posts...

Your math(s) fails you yet again Skillz. 1717 is greater than 1113. Proof, you say? Type 1717 on the calculator then press the subtract button (it looks like a hyphen) then type 1113. Now, all you gotta do is press the equals sign (it looks like this "=") and you get a really really big number (604).

If you really want a challenge, count backwards from 604 and I'll see you in 12 years. Try to resist the urge to use a calculator, I know it can be tempting. Good luck man,

johnbludger wrote:thats not alot i have 481 posts in 5 months

No. You actually have around 4 posts in 5 months, the rest is senseless spam with your constant one-word bump posts.

Lol I just realised how much I enjoy reading your posts. This one cracked me up lol
It would be horrible to have your name on there lol

I was expecting my name cuz I've only won 2 titles but I have only had like 4 attempts.
Forum Index » Profile for Earnie_Shavers » Messages posted by Earnie_Shavers
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