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Messages posted by: sterlihalla
Forum Index » Profile for sterlihalla » Messages posted by sterlihalla
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Im on now! and ready to rumble come back online, il take all your belts
Man you sound like a newb, you can barely ud anyone, you just win by ko or tko, you can never go the distance but i put that down to poor opposition. I could beat you which i proved in a our last fights but you just get me with a hook in my last 2 loses to win sometimes it even skips but hey thats boxing
lol dont jump the gun, i just beat you 3 times defending my belt so shush
comin on now bitch
thx mikkel sorted
Can we mix things up mikkel? its boring not being able to fight for belts when the guys never come online to defend. I say strip them and give it to the most active people.
I just schooled nvtt despite him getting 4 kds on me, i came back to win a decision and to have NVTT hanging on for dare lift in the last round, if i had 10 more seconds i would of knocked your ass out , lucky boi haha
im online and ready to rumble! il be online until 8pm gmt
GMT lets say 6pm today
im here lets bang kush
NVTT! wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:Nvtt i beat you the last couple of games fool haha, kush take ur belt away fool

Reaper still talking all thaat shit ehh,The time i fought you i realize i was connected to a wrong router,lets see what happens now boii

Name the time and il beat ur ass. english time tho GMT!
Nvtt i beat you the last couple of games fool haha, kush take ur belt away fool
KUSH wrote:
Fierce1 wrote:give up on it you fucking loser. while your at it give up on ob3d cos thats got no players in it either

Lol ob3d has better players there then here.. Plus they aren't near as childish as u fucking faggots.
Look at your forum display picture before you call people childish idiot.

Can we just ban kush from the forums? hes such a idiot, lets strip him too and hows ob3d going mikkel?
KUSH wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Keep it down or ill have to ban u fools.

Aww come on Mikkel... If Redneck can spam the forum a 10000 times and still post I am sure ill be fine. Ill keep it nice on the 3d forums for ya Mikkel.

@Reaper my display name? For one Kush isn't just WEED and if it was WEED is LEGAL in a lot of places now so GTFO.
display pic.
yeh ban rocky marciano aka kush, his dp alone is worth a banning
Forum Index » Profile for sterlihalla » Messages posted by sterlihalla
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