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Messages posted by: jaywivaspliff
Forum Index » Profile for jaywivaspliff » Messages posted by jaywivaspliff
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that bro gave me a hell of a fight and beat me in a close 15 round decision even though i won rematch id like to say great fight u did great bro u got my respect
anyone no when its gonna be back running
sorry 4 being out of order last night with what i said to a extent i ment every word of it but doesnt give me the right to post it on a public furom with young people reading n shit so my bad ooo by the way the boss this really not good u come onlien when im going to bed at 430am lol we need to sort are fight out thanx
dont no who the dark destroyer is maybe nigel as hes from london but thanx 4 sayin that cos i aint a ducker and i will fight anyone because all a title brings is harrasment in real boxing a boxer does not defend his title 10 times in one day as this games trying 2 simulate the sport i dont see why i should be pressured into fighting people that wuoldnt give me a shot
told ya id do it and before i expected lol beat u skillz
just thought id ask to see wats happening thanx nice furom dude rocky 6
Forum Index » Profile for jaywivaspliff » Messages posted by jaywivaspliff
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