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Messages posted by: Noobalator
Forum Index » Profile for Noobalator » Messages posted by Noobalator
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You suck im the one that needs a title shot

fuck donny

EDIT: Easy there tiger, Just take it easy on the unnecessary post...

I fought unstop once and i koed him in the first round. Then he said he will give me his name Unstoppable(the one he was on) if i beat him again. Then I koed him in the 12 round. then.........

i copied paste this..
Noobalator> give me the name in obw
Unstoppable> give u Unstoppable right
Unstoppable> OBW?
Noobalator> yea, the one your on
Unstoppable> ok

instead of giving me the original Unstoppable he told me the password and user name of Unstoppable2

I dont think he should be respected by anyone
Why is this guy in the hall of fame, hes a liar and......... I beat him twice
Forum Index » Profile for Noobalator » Messages posted by Noobalator
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