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Messages posted by: Kikin
Forum Index » Profile for Kikin » Messages posted by Kikin
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hahahahahahahahahaha still mad over that beating from yesterday
naruto14 wrote:i hope i have a good reputation from what i seen...

LMFAO hahahahahahahahahahaha your funny chi chi

i dont no it works good on my computer
are you watching this one?
Rush wrote:
Kikin wrote:Fuck you sb
i made another one......

nice, ang it will help advertising OB

yea the best ko i put in that video imo was yours
x-treme aka flash aka chi chi sucks you should reitre
Fuck you sb
i made another one......
i finally found out how to do it.......
Erik Morales vs muhammad ali

Erik morales (KO5) was winning the fight after he quit

Erik morales (W12)

Ali wrote:I will be popping in and out throughout the day but if your looking for a specific time, say 5:00pm UK time?

im on right now and your not accepting my challenge
Ali wrote:Where are you Morales? I want to get my tourny campaign underway!

what time do you log on
I think Morales is gonna outbox Pacquiao throughout the whole fight, then he's gonna KO pacquiao in one of the later rounds
Carlos baldomir is no Jose Luis Castillo
like tyrant said once "out gayed by the gay master."

it was a boring fight.
Skillz wrote:Well The Great Skillz is retireing After a 11month run being in the top 10 of OB and being a 26xOB champ holding everytitle on the game at 1 time i liked this game some much i would have never thought of this day .....Reason for retirement,i just don't have the passion anymore...its not as fun anymore theres never any1 online just a bunch of Noobs...Anyways its been fun all of u....Couture,Nigel,T,DKP,HTF,Unstop,etc......well best wishez to u all and


Ill be on the forum from time to time to see if theres anything happeing but besides that im DONE.Well i guess ill never achive my OB dream,Being A HOF'er.Cya all

top ten???????????
Forum Index » Profile for Kikin » Messages posted by Kikin
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