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Considering retiremant  XML
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Joined: 11/06/2007 11:20:09
Messages: 20
Location: Kingsville

due to the sudden influx of assholes i am considering leaving this game that i love for good im here to fight and i fight anyone but it seems if someone beats me i dont get a rm im also apparently a racist a cunt and a list full of other obscenitys including threats against my family thanks oscar

Sweet as sugar


Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Leave for all I care, the things you've said to Ray were proper harsh and lets not forget your racism. You used to be canny but you just suddenly started trying to give shit to people all the time.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842

Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

Yea Ray just go...please!!! I beat you the 1st time and I gave you a RM as you requested...then I beat you again. So stop whining and deal with your loss or shut up!

PS- Just because your in decline and there are alot of new boxers overtaking you in the 'talent' department...dont make excuses and DEAL WITH IT!


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Couldn't have said it better. You say stupid crap to me all the time, you pretend you aren't racist when i have recorded our conversation AND you can't deal with the fact that you suck.

Please.. I don't care if you leave or stay. But if you are going to stay, stop acting like a cunt.

Joined: 20/06/2007 15:59:08
Messages: 3

I gave you your RM and only thing that was different was that this time you logged off in middle of the match after getting floored for the 4th time in a row.

Joined: 21/04/2007 18:00:42
Messages: 118

If your going to go, Just go. I never did like racist people, so just do us all a favour and never come back.

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

hey man u do the same to people too leonard

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Aswell as being racist, he can't spell.

RetiremAnt is spelt RetiremEnt.


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

SugarRayLeonard wrote:due to the sudden influx of assholes i am considering leaving this game that i love for good im here to fight and i fight anyone but it seems if someone beats me i dont get a rm im also apparently a racist a cunt and a list full of other obscenitys including threats against my family thanks oscar

stay chopper bro.your a good fighter and i refuse to believe he is racist.
el capillo

Joined: 27/02/2007 17:06:16
Messages: 269


you were a nice guy but then you became mister big boots and got arrogant and racist.

if you retire your skills will be missed but it's a sacrifice im willing to take.

Ike Bungu

PDP record
edder- tech draw 6
trpche-win ko3
jigsaw-win ud
mikkel-win tko2
prof-win tko 7
viper-lose ko1

"ill taught them i'll teach em. after now i knock him out like i said before, i'll be the guy and after i beat him i'll show him his mistakes"
-oba champion
-world most overated fighter ever
-worst right hand in the game
-even worse still jab in the game
-horrible finisher
-blue cobra

Red Viper> El Capillo is your post name


Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Ray Johnson wrote:Aswell as being racist, he can't spell.

RetiremAnt is spelt RetiremEnt.

What the hell dude, this isn't a spelling contest. That made me laugh, bravo to you Ray.

@Chopper - you can always just ignore them, I get a lot of verbal from the kids like Catfish and that N* clan but pfft whatever. It's just a bunch of text and little drawings man, you got to laugh really.

@Boxa - Wasup mate

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

Donny_king wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:Aswell as being racist, he can't spell.

RetiremAnt is spelt RetiremEnt.

What the hell dude, this isn't a spelling contest. That made me laugh, bravo to you Ray.

@Chopper - you can always just ignore them, I get a lot of verbal from the kids like Catfish and that N* clan but pfft whatever. It's just a bunch of text and little drawings man, you got to laugh really.

@Boxa - Wasup mate

hey man how you doing?

finished all my exams and they went well, except psychology was tough. my birthdays next wednesday you should come online, and beat us all up again

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 22/06/2007 05:32:02

Cynic Ice Black

Joined: 19/04/2006 07:31:09
Messages: 85

Chopper's aracist? Give me a break.
He's one of the nicest people I met in this game. And trust me - I'm a jew, from Israel - if he was a racist - don't you think he'd jump on that train?

Maybe it's because Chopper and I are grown up people and not 14 year old kids, so we just don't run our mouths for nothing.

With tons of idiotic remarks I've heard here during the time I follow this game, and people starting a flame and making the other guilty - I'm not surprised. But Chopper ain't a racist guys. Just forget it, 'cos it's pure unreasonable bullshit.


P.S.: Donny, show your stoner arse online already, it's about time hehehe, you know where to find me bro


Joined: 11/06/2007 11:20:09
Messages: 20
Location: Kingsville

ive decided to stay and ignore the kids comments hope to see u all in the ring

Sweet as sugar
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Cynic Ice Black wrote:Chopper's aracist? Give me a break.
He's one of the nicest people I met in this game. And trust me - I'm a jew, from Israel - if he was a racist - don't you think he'd jump on that train?

Maybe it's because Chopper and I are grown up people and not 14 year old kids, so we just don't run our mouths for nothing.

With tons of idiotic remarks I've heard here during the time I follow this game, and people starting a flame and making the other guilty - I'm not surprised. But Chopper ain't a racist guys. Just forget it, 'cos it's pure unreasonable bullshit.


P.S.: Donny, show your stoner arse online already, it's about time hehehe, you know where to find me bro

Are you implying that if you are 14 years old, you are immature? And no, he won't insult you because you're a jew. He insults Asians.

BTW, don't say what you assume to be false unreasonable bullshit. When he says things like "Turbanator", I must be wrong to think he is racist.

No, I am not making crap up. You can't see through Chopper and you never will unless you accept the possibility he is racist because.. he IS RACIST.
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