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Joined: 29/05/2006 08:38:22
Messages: 70

When you search online boxing on google and click the link, you are directed to the online boxing 3d page instead of the 2d. This is a big reason we are not seeing as many new players joining. It should be changed in my opinion.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/05/2012 17:44:18


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

It dont do that here..and even if it did, I have no control over googles search results.



Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

Ali wrote:When you search online boxing on google and click the link, you are directed to the online boxing 3d page instead of the 2d. This is a big reason we are not seeing as many new players joining. It should be changed in my opinion.

i absolutely agree on this!

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

it doesnt do that at all it links to the 2d game

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