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Anyone here good at editing Wikipedia pages ?  XML
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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

It would be great to an article of OB listed here :

2d and 3d are listed there but there is no article describing them. I'm not really a good writer and I have never tried to make a real wikipedia article if anyone knows his way around wikipedia and would like to do this, it could possible bring more people online.
I kind of feel that it's ridiculous that a game like from 1992 is mentioned and not a word about OB.


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327


when did the game originally launch
do you have old 2d graphs pics
when did new graphs launch
how long did it take to develop
when did hof open
when was lonsdale tourny (2003?)

i can write a really short one without that info but i can make it way longer and more detailed if i do get it
also i can put ob3d on the same page since i don't know too much about it

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

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Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

lol i just saw ur sig mind if i use the old graphs pic for the wiki?

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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Surj wrote: questions

when did the game originally launch
do you have old 2d graphs pics
when did new graphs launch
how long did it take to develop
when did hof open
when was lonsdale tourny (2003?)

i can write a really short one without that info but i can make it way longer and more detailed if i do get it
also i can put ob3d on the same page since i don't know too much about it

1) 2001
2) 2004
3) That time
4) 2002
5) yes Londsdale tourny was 2003

Well just write about 2D if that's what you know about. You could for example use old graph to explain how 2001 version looked and a more recent picture to describe how it looked after.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 27/04/2012 23:48:43



Joined: 19/04/2012 23:41:11
Messages: 15
Location: Heaven

Mikkel if you have time can you come over 2d and take a look and see what is going on.The frezzing in each round is annoying.Even when im winning the rounds.Gotta take a look son.

Im the King of the world.Ill be the greatest and i want to be the Best fighter in the world.I will fight those you stand against me.

OnlineBoxing will Tremble by my name.

OB Style:Mid-Range Brawler
OB Defensive Style:BRAIN Lean and Side Step
OB Special:BRAIN Uppercut and Short Upper

- 3 time OBF World Champion

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

working on it bbl with linx

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Cool !


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

well I started it but I gotta go bb on later

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1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

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OBW: 9x with 11 def
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Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

back working on it! i got like 2 hours and I'm using it as my personal page for the moment until its ready.

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

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"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

I wanna do a section for development can u write a quick paragraph or 2 and i can add it.

and the rounds are 3 mins but they are double time correct?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/05/2012 18:55:38

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

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"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

grr it didn't save any of my work yesterday I gotta start over. guess ill do a rough draft in notepad

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

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"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Looking forward to it


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

It will be up tomorrow

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

Surj wrote:It will be up tomorrow

one more day sorry!! had a hella busy day today

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

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