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The Second Comeing  XML
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The Second Comeing


Joined: 18/05/2007 17:24:21
Messages: 5

They say a family that prays together, stays together.
And one that walks apart just falls apart.
So, together we stand, divided we fall.
United, we form Voltron and take off all. Let?s move.
Yes, the birds left the nest.
I?m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest.(uh huh)
Best of the best is what we strive to be. (Yeah).
A legacy is what we trying to leave.
Ya dig?
Now say goodbye to the past.(why?)
The future is here at last.(at last)
The second coming.(yea)
The new beginning.(yea)
The truth is speaking.(uh huh)
You should listen.
So glorious.
We take what we want we born warriors.
So glorious,
We take what we want we born warriors.
If you fall, get up and try it again.(uh huh)
The Second Comeing


Joined: 18/05/2007 17:24:21
Messages: 5

The new beginning
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