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Sugar Ray Robinson

Joined: 28/11/2006 14:20:42
Messages: 70

Last night I signed on really late, and I saw Rocky Balboa Jr. running some strange script. We then fought, I won, and then the game froze. After that it was down for the rest of the night.

Mikkel, you should look into this because I believe he's trying to sabotage your game.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

What kind of scripts ?

Sugar Ray Robinson

Joined: 28/11/2006 14:20:42
Messages: 70

Mikkel wrote:What kind of scripts ?

Is was some weird code/language. It's hard to describe. He just kept repeating it over and over again.


Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

i dont know if this has any relavance but since i downloaded and played around 2 days ago, my mouse stopped working properly, it keeps freezing every 2 minutes or so so i have to restart my computer....some kind of virus or something

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842


Joined: 23/01/2007 06:39:57
Messages: 1

HEy W.e This is Rocky Balboa Jr. , man first of all the way you were pinging on the server was plenty enough to cause a simple and common error "you experinced , Rather then using Common sense or just plain out disrespecting and Implying such ridduculous B/s up because u lost a fight , oh and cause i play different then u... u know i didnt go back to lobby that fight either ,i had to close my ob and relogin,,But i wasnt running to forums and GOING to some degree like "Sugar Ray Robinson IS TRYING TO SABOTAGE YOUR GAME" SABOTAGE!! Grow up , And let me make it clear you yourself went and admitted that u went and downloaded scripts and tryed it yourself , And Mikkel that was 5 nights ago about 3 in the morning i think , ALL THE SERVER was down even .. for about 4 hours but if u have any questions u can email me at
And Sugar ray Robinson , i can care less what you think about me , when u go and say to creator of the game , im trying to sabatoge A game ive been playing for some 3 - 4 years now,,, that hurts my feelings ,, and i think your ... just dont think ill be any easier in the ring , maybe i can knock your guy outta the ring , theres something for ya !! peace


Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

DumbazzRocker wrote:HEy W.e This is Rocky Balboa Jr. , man first of all the way you were pinging on the server was plenty enough to cause a simple and common error "you experinced , Rather then using Common sense or just plain out disrespecting and Implying such ridduculous B/s up because u lost a fight , oh and cause i play different then u... u know i didnt go back to lobby that fight either ,i had to close my ob and relogin,,But i wasnt running to forums and GOING to some degree like "Sugar Ray Robinson IS TRYING TO SABOTAGE YOUR GAME" SABOTAGE!! Grow up , And let me make it clear you yourself went and admitted that u went and downloaded scripts and tryed it yourself , And Mikkel that was 5 nights ago about 3 in the morning i think , ALL THE SERVER was down even .. for about 4 hours but if u have any questions u can email me at
And Sugar ray Robinson , i can care less what you think about me , when u go and say to creator of the game , im trying to sabatoge A game ive been playing for some 3 - 4 years now,,, that hurts my feelings ,, and i think your ... just dont think ill be any easier in the ring , maybe i can knock your guy outta the ring , theres something for ya !! peace

First of all DAR why are you using a account that is not yours?

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!

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