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Joined: 28/03/2010 13:02:44
Messages: 20

mikkle it will be great if u create some type of adverstisement for ob2d. It will defenitely gain a vast amount of population.


Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

slugger wrote:mikkle it will be great if u create some type of adverstisement for ob2d. It will defenitely gain a vast amount of population.

uuuuuuuhhh. a guy with a fresh idea. And the idea is sooooooooooooooo fresh.
I understand that mikkel is bored to hell with some comments here. And now tell us what happened that you are able to write.
I got another fresh idea for you slugger. Its called defending the belt and giving rematchs after lucky wins..its called fairness and it will gain a huge big amount of population you fucking dumbfuck.


Joined: 28/03/2010 13:02:44
Messages: 20

sorry im a moron

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 09/04/2010 03:47:29

Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

slugger wrote:mikkle it will be great if u create some type of adverstisement for ob2d. It will defenitely gain a vast amount of population.

I agree.
The Legendary Warrior of OB
The God of of Knockout Power and Destruction
121 Time Online Boxing Champ
270 defenses
Semi- Retired- Will return for a few months at the End of Apri

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

The Greatest KO Artist in OB History

120x Online Boxing World Champion

More than 270 defenses.

Multiple time undisputed champion

Real close of becoming superchamp

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

Respect yourself and others will respect you- Confucius
To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle- Confucius

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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Yea, it costs a lot of money, fortunately, I'm a millionaire !!



Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

Mikkel wrote:Yea, it costs a lot of money, fortunately, I'm a millionaire !!

i was waiting for an answer like this. I understand your point completely. We should be thankful that you offer us the game to play and stop sending nonsense-ideas like this. You are not electronic arts...


Joined: 28/03/2010 13:02:44
Messages: 20

redneck i think u should stop boixng in ob2d ur just so lower class and been in the game for the longest soooooo retire u no wats good for ya


Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

slugger wrote:redneck i think u should stop boixng in ob2d ur just so lower class and been in the game for the longest soooooo retire u no wats good for ya

speak english (and that from me . I am not your slum-mate.



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

Slug, this is not a Fresh Idea. People has said this many many times.

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
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