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Margarito vs Cotto who you picking?  XML
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Jens Oso


Joined: 31/07/2007 11:38:45
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African Assassin wrote:I picked Marg to take this fight back in april when it was announced... and skills cotto is a good fighter but i thought he had more heart than that. It looked like marg did to cotto what cotto did to judah and he got his ASS TORN APART and quit! cottos appauling behaviour in the 11th makes me lose a lot of respect for him and he does not have a champions heart. Boxing didn't work, running didn't work and brawling didn't work for the midget from PR. The iron chinned relentless big man fucks up the supposed talented little man with short arms and no balls as expected.

there is no shame in breaking down mentally in a fight with margarito...his style makes it almost inevitable...unless your my man
Paul "The Punisher" Williams!

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#19 Jens Oso
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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
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When is Ray Leonard returning to HBO ? Im tired of Steward, and where is Larry Merchant ?


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Think Cotto had the wrong gameplan, he was simply moving way too much.
Should have stayed close, Margaritos punches are bombs when they get room. Plus thats the reason he got exhausted.



Joined: 13/09/2006 16:09:36
Messages: 322

cotto wouldn't have a chance staying close, he can't trade with him. The gameplan was all good besides only throwing headshots.

I mean, cotto got most of his past knockouts with bodyshots and margarito's head can't get hurt, you'd think it would logic that he'd throw some to the body. But it was 100% head shots.

The most interesting man in the world.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Had he just boxed through two last rounds he would have won. Dont understand his collaps



Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

Man cotto Had that fight in the bag those damn body shots started to kik in thow man that sucks ='[


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
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Can somebody post the link?

Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Can somebody post the link?

This is the link of the whole fight that I found while searching at google. This site has two different versions of the full fight.
Current OBA Champ
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Will be A Future HOF
OB Name- Red Viper

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 28/07/2008 20:24:08

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

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African Assassin

Joined: 18/01/2008 19:49:08
Messages: 181

Mikkel if you noticed Margarito was tagging Cotto during the first six rounds and he broke cotto's nose in the second and was gonna win regardless of the KO since he was ahead by 2 rounds going into the eleventh. Also Cotto faught the best fight he could possibly ever fight against Margarito and if he stood there and traded he would have been Ko'ed a lot sooner than he was. Cotto also hit the guy with everything in the book somthing like 280 of his best power punches with bad intentions, and in boxing when you are known as a big puncher and you can't get your opponent to respect your power that fucks with your mind, and you could see fear in Cotto's eyes by the tenth round and the guy usually has the facial expession of an assassin.

Also Cotto couldn't hit margarito to the body because if any of you guys follw margarito's career you will see than this guy defends his body 90 percent of the fight since his elbows are alwas pressed firmly againsed his ribcage and even if he would attempt to he would have ate alot more left uppercuts and Cotto knew this. If you watch the fight closley you will see Cotto did throw a few body shots, but he payed a huge price for em. All in all Cotto excecuted his game plan to a "t", but got brutalized, punished and eventually knocked out in the process. Seriously i was scared for cotto seing Marg take em shots and keep sprinting towards cotto like they were Joe Calzaghe slaps.... seriously the dude reminded me of Jason the way he was walking through Cottos best shots and smiling at the same time.

PS. Red Viper remember how I used to call u the antonio margarito of Ob and you didn't know who i was talking about I bet you understand now.

---------PERMANENTLY RETIRED-----------


Joined: 06/02/2008 16:53:45
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African the Cotto Margarito fight rememberd me of the OB fights we used to have. You could box beautiful for a few rds but eventually I always walked you down and knocked you out.

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Cotto surprised me fightn like tht like a stick n move type style he executed perfectly....every other contender n the divison would hav lost to Cotto while he was fightn like tht....but Margarito is an exception cuz of his steel chin...

But if i was Cotto i would not RM Margarito and take a 2nd loss...he shud just go back to tht same style he used n this fight against like 3 good contenders untill he gets back on top...

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Joined: 18/04/2006 11:32:59
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i got cotto by close decision if they ever rematch


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
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Red Viper wrote:
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Can somebody post the link?

This is the link of the whole fight that I found while searching at google. This site has two different versions of the full fight.
Current OBA Champ
38 time Onlineboxing Champion- for all of my accounts
16 time OBC Champ
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
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Member Since- February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun.
Will be A Future HOF
OB Name- Red Viper

Thanks for the link This link isnt laggy either so thanks alot.

Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Can somebody post the link?

This is the link of the whole fight that I found while searching at google. This site has two different versions of the full fight.
Current OBA Champ
38 time Onlineboxing Champion- for all of my accounts
16 time OBC Champ
7 time OBA Champ
7 time OBW Champ
4 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
Number One KO Artist in OB History
72% Winning Percentage
Member Since- February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun.
Will be A Future HOF
OB Name- Red Viper

Thanks for the link This link isnt laggy either so thanks alot.

Your welcome
Current OBA Champ
38 time Onlineboxing Champion- for all of my accounts
16 time OBC Champ
7 time OBA Champ
7 time OBW Champ
4 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
Number One KO Artist in OB History
72% Winning Percentage
Member Since- February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun.
Will be A Future HOF
OB Name- Red Viper

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 31/07/2008 05:20:46

Active as of right now

Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

Won a title by KO'ing the opponent with only Uppercuts

The Greatest KO Artist in OB History

120x Online Boxing World Champion

More than 270 defenses.

Multiple time undisputed champion

Real close of becoming superchamp

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

Respect yourself and others will respect you- Confucius
To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle- Confucius

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