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Barrack Obama

Joined: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Messages: 311

I always hear certain people talking about how they're top fighters, but I don't see them fight under any of their Main IDs anymore. So to lend some clarity, would the following people please state their alts?

The Contender/Rocky Marciano: You hardly ever fight with these IDs anymore. Therefore, who are you currently fighting under? I'm particularly curious because you rate yourself 3rd in the game so it would be nice to see if that's true by analyzing your alt records.

Vargas: Do you still play? If so, who are you? There are a few guys posing as you.

Reaper: You post a lot on the forum, but I don't see you fighting. Who are you currently hiding under?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 23/09/2008 14:23:41

Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

I retired my alt Contender after I won a title (again) and got stripped for the 4th time due to bugged script. After that I boxed some relaxed funny matches like using noob hook only, using super aggressive no remorse style and made couple of funny alts.

My last serious alt I made was "reincarnation" of my main alt Rocky Marciano. Before I made it I decided it to be my last alt and "last hurrah" on this game. I boxed Vargas etc. and beat them all going undefeated. I went to 30-0 or something, undefeated and title holder. So yes I got a title again and it felt good. In fact it felt really good. As an example both Larry Holmes and Fernando Vargas wanted a shot and I wanted to give shots to all. Well Fernando Vargas and Larry Holmes boxed for right to get a title shot. Vargas TKOed Larry and then I boxed him giving him title shot. I neutralized his game and KOed him on his corner. A good match but then liittle later I got stripped for the 5th time by that damn bugged script, got fed up with it, decided that there is no point anymore when a guy who gives title shots to best boxers on this game gets stripped like that and does not get his title back... and retired all my alts away from rankings and called it quits. I was undefeated, title holder, defended against the best there is and then got stripped.

Depending on if Black Bear is counted as active boxer or not I am 3rd or 4th best active fighter or rather I was 3rd or 4th best. Why? Well rest of them I beat and I do not mean this as an offence but it was not hard. I now know why Fatny decided to retire from rankings. After a while winning does become rather boring. Anyway Black Bear owns me but he retired (so there goes my challenge and goal of beating him, I was working on it), Fatny owns me (and the rest too)and against you I can win (and have traded wins with you) but I know you have moderate edge over me and rate you above myself for that reason. I don't play this game anymore other logging on once in a while to do crazy funny matches like spamming like mad, using noob hooks only etc. In other words I don't box seriously anymore and go for the win. I box to have some relaxing fun time now.

All these ratings are pretty futile anyway. First of all styles make matches. If guy A beats B and B beats C it does not automatically mean guy A can beat C. Second this is that people will never agree with any rankings whatsoever. People have huge egos, feel entitled to this and that ranking and so on.

In the end we are all human (but fatny) and do lose. Anyone is capable of winning against anyone. Even Fatny takes losses. All it matters are titles and we have the script stripping champions for no reason, people ducking not giving title shots.


"Vargas: Do you still play? If so, who are you? There are a few guys posing as you."

"Reaper: You post a lot on the forum, but I don't see you fighting. Who are you currently hiding under?"

I do not know if either Reaper or Vargas box anymore but I know both of them used to make alts. There have been number of new names popping up left and right with serious skills, skills that you only get by having played a lot so yes I do suppose they both hide behind alts. For me it does not matter as I boxed all those alts and won. There is this one alt maker that I finally decided not to box. He is Marquez or something. That guy made three alts (I know only 3 he might have made more) sending me challenges. I boxed those alts of him beating him and each time I beat him he made a new alt. Finally I decided to stop boxing his alts and only give him matches if he logs on his original main alt. That he refused to do.

I feel that Vargas has potential to become second only to Fatny if he ever learns to pick his shots better and not waste his stamina like crazy.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 23/09/2008 16:21:52

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
Jens Oso


Joined: 31/07/2007 11:38:45
Messages: 274
Location: 916

my alt is fatny

Status: Active
Accounts: Jon Oso, Jens Oso
Gym: ChuteBoxe
Date Joined: 03-04-2007
Championships: 2 time OBF Champion and Former OBA Champion
#19 Jens Oso
Status: Inactive
Accounts: Jens Pulver
Barrack Obama

Joined: 13/08/2008 19:11:13
Messages: 311

Rocky Marciano wrote:I retired my alt Contender after I won a title (again) and got stripped for the 4th time due to bugged script. After that I boxed some relaxed funny matches like using noob hook only, using super aggressive no remorse style and made couple of funny alts.

My last serious alt I made was "reincarnation" of my main alt Rocky Marciano. Before I made it I decided it to be my last alt and "last hurrah" on this game. I boxed Vargas etc. and beat them all going undefeated. I went to 30-0 or something, undefeated and title holder. So yes I got a title again and it felt good. In fact it felt really good. As an example both Larry Holmes and Fernando Vargas wanted a shot and I wanted to give shots to all. Well Fernando Vargas and Larry Holmes boxed for right to get a title shot. Vargas TKOed Larry and then I boxed him giving him title shot. I neutralized his game and KOed him on his corner. A good match but then liittle later I got stripped for the 5th time by that damn bugged script, got fed up with it, decided that there is no point anymore when a guy who gives title shots to best boxers on this game gets stripped like that and does not get his title back... and retired all my alts away from rankings and called it quits. I was undefeated, title holder, defended against the best there is and then got stripped.

Depending on if Black Bear is counted as active boxer or not I am 3rd or 4th best active fighter or rather I was 3rd or 4th best. Why? Well rest of them I beat and I do not mean this as an offence but it was not hard. I now know why Fatny decided to retire from rankings. After a while winning does become rather boring. Anyway Black Bear owns me but he retired (so there goes my challenge and goal of beating him, I was working on it), Fatny owns me (and the rest too)and against you I can win (and have traded wins with you) but I know you have moderate edge over me and rate you above myself for that reason. I don't play this game anymore other logging on once in a while to do crazy funny matches like spamming like mad, using noob hooks only etc. In other words I don't box seriously anymore and go for the win. I box to have some relaxing fun time now.

All these ratings are pretty futile anyway. First of all styles make matches. If guy A beats B and B beats C it does not automatically mean guy A can beat C. Second this is that people will never agree with any rankings whatsoever. People have huge egos, feel entitled to this and that ranking and so on.

In the end we are all human (but fatny) and do lose. Anyone is capable of winning against anyone. Even Fatny takes losses. All it matters are titles and we have the script stripping champions for no reason, people ducking not giving title shots.


"Vargas: Do you still play? If so, who are you? There are a few guys posing as you."

"Reaper: You post a lot on the forum, but I don't see you fighting. Who are you currently hiding under?"

I do not know if either Reaper or Vargas box anymore but I know both of them used to make alts. There have been number of new names popping up left and right with serious skills, skills that you only get by having played a lot so yes I do suppose they both hide behind alts. For me it does not matter as I boxed all those alts and won. There is this one alt maker that I finally decided not to box. He is Marquez or something. That guy made three alts (I know only 3 he might have made more) sending me challenges. I boxed those alts of him beating him and each time I beat him he made a new alt. Finally I decided to stop boxing his alts and only give him matches if he logs on his original main alt. That he refused to do.

I feel that Vargas has potential to become second only to Fatny if he ever learns to pick his shots better and not waste his stamina like crazy.

Good points, except that I've only been back for less than two months while most of you have been playing for years straight. Give me at least 4 more months, and I guarantee I will be more difficult to defeat.



Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

Barrack Obama wrote:I always hear certain people talking about how they're top fighters, but I don't see them fight under any of their Main IDs anymore. So to lend some clarity, would the following people please state their alts?

The Contender/Rocky Marciano: You hardly ever fight with these IDs anymore. Therefore, who are you currently fighting under? I'm particularly curious because you rate yourself 3rd in the game so it would be nice to see if that's true by analyzing your alt records.

Vargas: Do you still play? If so, who are you? There are a few guys posing as you.

Reaper: You post a lot on the forum, but I don't see you fighting. Who are you currently hiding under?


Lets here some of yours. Even back in the day I know u had alot lol.

Ive had some way back.

KOARTST(gave that to unstoppable)
Here To FIght
Iamillerthanyou(one of my first accounts)

And probably a few more that I cant remember. Most of them I made to talk shit to some or goof off.

I know your, Eder Jofre lol,and Killmore, and sal,and I know a few more.


Welcome back buddy

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!

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