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Ok to make things clear about Edder's Alt  XML
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Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

That isnt me just to let u guys know he says its me but its not i beat him senseless 7 times so yeh

By the way look at this pedofile Loser aka Redneck


Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Redneck wrote:lol...thx that you post the statement here. So everybody can see what loser you are. Lying, Padding [this Edder's Alt is not you? lmao. You padded with this Alt yesterday and he got same ping as you. Another Edder Lie].

I'm sure he was 'padding'.. I didn't know edder could play two OB's at the same time. Anyways, obvious proof he wasn't padding:

Edder does not have a high ping, it looks like that fight is in like 130-140 ms judging by the bad timing of combos.

Redneck wrote:I am so sick and tired of this little kids on OB like edder. Do not misunderstand me..i mean..there are a lot of teens on OB that are very cool. But some of them, like this edder, are sooo baby-like. Crying after losing, padding wins again, challenging someone and then canceling them to freeze etc.

If you are sick of people, take a break from OB. Cool off or something, loads of people are having a laugh when they diss people Stop being so serious

I don't really need to explain why the rest of your post is... in all fairness, complete garbage.

Before you reply, remember, I'm not just "sticking up" for edder. You are blatantly lying, I thought that it should be pointed out rather then edder being pointed at.


Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

yeh u idiot Redviper saw me fight him ..
Yeh how did i "pad" when someone else was fighting me idiot Ray isnt always on my side moron



Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

shut ur trap!

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Redneck wrote:dont tell shit here R.J. You are always on Edders side. I dont care...but edders alt got same ping than edder. 84-90. I was online so i can say that. I was online, too when he was making a role-play with this alt name. He wrote things and the alt wrote the things back edder want hear. So you should better take a break before writing shit here. No Ray Johnson was online during the padding. So stfu.

I told you, i'm not talking shit and i'm not always on edders side. But, I can see clear proof that he wasn't padding and you are telling everyone that he was padding but you have no proof. Proof vs No Proof, whose side will I take??

How can you possibly say that he was padding? Watch that fight, it's obvious there were two people fighting. Arguing against fact - you'll never win.

84-90 is a common ping. The person who made an alt under his name probably had roughly the same ping.

The only one full of shit here, is you. Anyone can see that, all they have to do is watch the fight I posted.

If he was padding.. somehow.. all you've managed to do is look like a trash-talking asshole again, because the fact is that you have absoloutely no proof.
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Hehe, i've always been calm.

I was actually responding to:
"dont tell shit here R.J. "
"you should better take a break before writing shit here. No Ray Johnson was online during the padding. So stfu. "

I responded in defence, because what you said was clearly offensive

Anyway, if it's all good then we're cool


Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

ok once again we got Name Takers

1 is Edder's Alt
2 is edders alts

those arent mine

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