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Dear, Fatny  XML
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Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin


OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
Defensive Style: Lean Spam
OB Master of Styles

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Joined: 13/09/2006 16:09:36
Messages: 322

More than punished dude, like totally 100% owned. So i'm with quintana and thinks he's going to win another UD. He gets destroyed in one round, fine.

Then there's the de leon fight, although he's got zero technique and the other is good he bangs hardcore, so I think it's a 50-50 but lean towards him by ko mid-rounds. There again, my guy gets destroyed in one round.

And then there's the worst. Mora wins over forrest.

I mean sergio mora a champion, you gotta be kidding me?

The most interesting man in the world.

Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin

Sergio winning made my soul sad. Forrest looked terrible and slow, ugh I hope Sergio goes back to 160 to get run over by The Ghost in 1 round.

EDIT: Well at least you got the Pavlik fight right..>_>

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 08/06/2008 08:33:32

OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
Defensive Style: Lean Spam
OB Master of Styles

[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN] [ICQ]
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