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3D wont load now...  XML
Forum Index » Technical issues
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Joined: 15/12/2007 06:59:42
Messages: 3


Well i used to play the demo for abit, i tried the multiplayer game yesterday and everything was fine (Apart from the game froze alittle every few minutes) but today its "unable to load". Heres the reason java is giving me:

An error occurred while launching/running the application.

Title: Online Boxing 3D
Category: Launch File Error

Could not find main-class net.ob3d.MainGame in

Not sure if something has gone wrong on my computer or Mikkel has updated the game or changed something in the game or something but yeh anybody know how i can fix it?

Edit: I have tried rebooting and i have tried deliting OB files and redownloading them. After the download finially finished (kept stalling) i got the same error

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 15/12/2007 07:06:39


Joined: 15/12/2007 06:59:42
Messages: 3

Okay.....I tried to run it again afew times and after 5 tries or so it worked (Even though i didnt delite the OB files again)

Seems like its just a random bug
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