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Forum Index » Technical issues
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Joined: 08/10/2007 00:45:33
Messages: 3

k i've asked ppl about how 2 start a fight..and i've been told click challenge..well i havent seen this button cuz everytime i try 2 play my applet window is grey and can someone tell me wats poppin with this blank screen..and wat i have to do 2 play..i just wanna playyyyyyyyyyyy..whaaaaawhaaaaahelp me plzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

To download the game. The applet version has some stuff wrong with it because of the net java.

If you're already using the downloaded version, you might need to upgrade your Java.
Forum Index » Technical issues
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