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UFC 2009 full fight.  XML
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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

It has one flaw, its about UFC, and UFC sucks


Joined: 06/07/2008 18:18:06
Messages: 13

Professor wrote:
BigT63 wrote:
Professor wrote:.....I dont think that was the a HUGE focus at THQ...I hope this game has a big roster, I want to do Tyson Griffin(me) vs Joe Lauzon then B.J Penn.

im just talkin realism thats a major problem with that game

Not at all, who's gonna be like "OMG SO FAKE! THE REFEREE DIDNET DIVE IN TO SAVE TEH FITER, DIS GAME IS WACK, DONT GET IT!1111!111shift+1

point taken still a good game they just need work some stuff out thats all im sayin

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Professor wrote:
BigT63 wrote:
Professor wrote:.....I dont think that was the a HUGE focus at THQ...I hope this game has a big roster, I want to do Tyson Griffin(me) vs Joe Lauzon then B.J Penn.

im just talkin realism thats a major problem with that game

Not at all, who's gonna be like "OMG SO FAKE! THE REFEREE DIDNET DIVE IN TO SAVE TEH FITER, DIS GAME IS WACK, DONT GET IT!1111!111shift+1

So many people are going to be like that.. trust me

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 20/07/2008 06:31:36

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